February Newsletter from Andrew Craig!

Property market predictions and influences for 2023


Now that the property market is stabilising and weathering the stormy waters of last year, we peek at some predictions and influences, you can use, to gain more success as the 2023 property market gathers momentum.



In 2022, legislation required all new homes to produce 30% less carbon. With the cost of energy remaining a challenge, more energy-efficient homes with efficient appliances, better insulation and building materials mean new builds are raising the standards for all homeowners. As a result, home movers and developers are dialling into the importance of meeting these greater energy efficiency expectations!


Green mortgages

Some banks are now offering better interest rate deals for more energy-efficient homes. Reducing the cost of your energy bills could lead to a cheaper mortgage. Combine this with adding value to your property and in some instances, cash-back offers for greener homes from banks, going green is a no-brainer.


Embrace technology

Making your property as compatible as possible with the tech age we live in is now becoming not just desirable but essential. USB sockets, automatic and efficient lighting, superfast broadband, modern appliances and homes which offer an efficient and effective space to work from home are trends showing no sign of waning.


Don’t wait and see!

With all the tumultuousness of last year, it’s easy to sit on the fence. With interest rates stabilising, the long-term view looks good. While it’s tempting to delay and procrastinate, this influences the housing market in a way that slows it down. So, keep the market moving by moving!


Slow but steady

It’s no secret that the property market has slowed down, but with slowness comes stability. Many analysts suggest that the property market is now where it should be. Interest rates had been super low and perhaps prices increased too quickly. With less volatility, planning is easier. It may take a little longer to make your move, but it will most certainly happen.


Building blocks

With the shortage of building materials and labour, property development is generally moving at a slower pace. Whether a new build or refurbishment, it will take a little longer. If this slows down supply as prices fall a little, it’s not a bad thing. And with so many decisions to be made when undertaking a property development project, whether it’s a few rooms or an entire housing estate - Is it really such a bad thing to take a bit more time over such impactful choices? Not to mention this all helps stabilise the market.


The good news

The outlook is very positive in so many ways for 2023. Demand for rental properties will remain extremely high. Buyers and sellers are still keen and mortgage deals for first-time buyers are still good with many lenders offering 5% deposit deals until the end of this year. With things happening at a less frantic pace, the quality of building, buying, selling and living will improve, maybe things are on the up!


Looking for a new home which combines beauty and efficiency seamlessly? Browse our properties.


Things that landlords need to know in 2023


This year is proof that life as a landlord is not as simple as it used to be. Reforms for tenants along with new laws and legislation will make it a bit more complex. That said the great news is that demand for rented properties is still extremely strong. There is a chance you could pick up a bargain as property prices slow. These changes help protect landlords and tenants so it should be another good year where standards across the industry rise.


Better protection for tenants

The renter's reform bill could become legislation this year if the government have their way. Giving more rights to tenants will also force unscrupulous landlords to up their game and stop cutting corners. This will raise standards and rights for renters and stop your properties to let potentially suffering from bad landlords undercutting you.


Higher capital gains tax

The tax-free allowance for landlords selling a property will be reduced significantly from April. This means you could pay more capital gains tax, so if you want to avoid it, and you are thinking of selling, better to sell sooner rather than later. There will be further cuts in 2024, meaning your tax relief when you decide to sell will be halved.


Buy-to-let mortgage rates

Mortgage rates while higher than they used to be, are now much more stable than last year. This means you can plan for the future once again and calculate costs more accurately.


Higher demand

In 2022 demand for rented accommodation was huge. This year demand is still very strong.  Fewer people can afford to buy due to the cost-of-living crises and the hike in interest rates. It’s expected that landlords will increase rents in order to cover costs but also to reflect the huge demand and get a better rental yield.


Add to your portfolio

With house prices levelling out and falling now is the time to add to your portfolio. Rental yields are good, and demand is very high. Some landlords will choose to sell, while savvy investors will seek new properties to develop as buy-to-let businesses. Asking prices are much more open to lower offers than last year so you might just acquire something that before was not as good as an investment.


Financial help for energy efficiency upgrades

Landlords who meet certain criteria might be eligible for government assistance with £1bn to help homeowners to insulate their properties. The aim is to improve energy efficiency which will help landlords with providing energy-efficient, appealing homes.



There is a lot going on in 2023, and if you are a landlord you are most likely to incur more costs. With rental demand growing now is the time to invest while providing great places to live for tenants. As the industry becomes more regulated, standards rise in so many ways, elevating the industry and creating a more stable investment prospect.


Tenant demand has never been better. Browse our properties.


Tips to reduce stress during a move


We have all heard it before. “Moving is one of the most stressful things you can do.” Compared with many other more serious predicaments in life this is of course not true. Like flying to the moon or near-death experiences! However, it’s right up there with the big stuff like your career and relationships according to some experts.


It’s got everything, from hurting your back by lifting large furniture through narrow spaces to worrying about paperwork, and the emotional roller coaster ride of saying goodbye to friends and family you might not see for a while. Then the elation and excitement of a new home and maybe a new life. With all this going on it’s easy to get stressed. There is so much to think about.  We have come up with a few tips to help you make the big move less stressful by breaking it down into manageable pieces.


The sooner you start the better

The longer you put things off the more they fester in your mind. Instead simply packing a few things earlier will stop you from becoming stressed thinking about the huge task ahead. Start with the little things. Stuff you don’t use often, an hour here and an hour there. Don’t make it a task. Then you are already ahead of the game.


Come up with a plan

Make a nice cup of coffee or tea, or something stronger! Sit down and relax, then scribble down a plan. Write a list to break each of your tasks into smaller chunks, perhaps using titles such as – the happy day, for when you move in.  Breaking your tasks down like this will help you keep calm and gives you a plan to stick to while reducing the chances of the unexpected. Perhaps have a packing section, a pre-move checklist and a post-move checklist, to deal with the change of address!



It’s always a good idea to create a budget. Moving can be expensive and the more time you give yourself to plan the costs and see where you could save the better. If you are using a removal company, shop around, while they will make your life easier, if the cost is more than you can afford you may find yourself stressing over money.


Don’t forget yourself!

Your mind will be teeming with everything to do with your new home. Remember to look after yourself, plan breaks on the big day - a time to eat and a time to rest.  When you get stressed, remember to breathe. When you move in, sort the bedrooms first. This process will take a few days and you will need to sleep well. Perhaps pack a self-care box, so you are not frantically looking for something that is essential to you.


Say your goodbyes

Remember to set aside some time to say goodbye. It’s important to do this and if you don't plan it you may find you are trying to do too much at once; packing, while saying goodbye. It could cause an emotional and stress overload!



There is no doubt following these steps will reduce your stress levels massively and with a bit of luck you will be able to enjoy the big move!


Can’t wait to move into your forever home or looking to make your first big move?  Get in touch.


Things to consider before putting your home on the market


If you have made the decision to sell your home, chances are you will want to do it as swiftly and smoothly as possible. You probably have so many happy memories from each and every room in your house, yet already you are beginning to see your home in a different light. It’s important to look at your home as a house subjectively and see what you can do to get it sold.


Combined with this you need to be organised; you don’t want to be delayed – don’t neglect that silly little thing you forgot to do which delays everything by weeks! So here is a checklist which you can use as a reminder and a few other things to consider which will help you achieve the best possible price for your home.


Check out the competition

Look at what other houses in your area are selling for. View online the most recently sold properties in your postcode to give you a good idea of an asking price.



Everyone has their own unique way of living whether it’s sitting by the fire and knitting or collecting unusual beers. Start decluttering by packing them away now and creating space. An emptier kitchen worktop will make the entire space look bigger and more appealing to potential buyers.



Have a good clean up, everything from the fireplace to kitchen tiles and carpets. It all helps make your home more sellable.



Are there any small repairs that need doing or scuff marks that need a touch of paint? Perhaps you have some paint left over in your shed. It won't cost you much, but it will make your home look better and become more resistant to silly offers!


The garden

Don’t forget the garden and the front of the house. Are there any bushes or trees that need trimming? Are the windows clean, has the grass been cut? The first thing your buyers will see is the front of the house and first impressions last.


Make an entrance

As you enter your home through the front door look at what will greet potential buyers. A nice, presentable, clean and in good condition hall or room or porch will welcome new owners, not just viewers.



You don’t want to be delayed waiting for a gas safety certificate, or any other paperwork - perhaps from building control for any structural work you had carried out. Make sure you have any paperwork ready for your potential buyers to keep things moving forward smoothly.



Don’t give your solicitors any excuses to delay you! Call them and double-check if there is anything you need in terms of conveyancing and paperwork to get the ball rolling.


Photography/video tours

Check out your home’s profile once it goes live, and check the pictures for accuracy. Once you have done all this your house should look as pretty as a picture and you will soon be on the move for the right price.


Do you want to enjoy a seamless and swift house move? Contact us.

